Lirik Bukti - Autotune Band feat. The Truth

Lirik Bukti - Autotune Band feat. The Truth


Sungguh menipu andai cintamu padaNya
Your love towards Him is fake
Hanyalah palsu andai ia mainan kata
If it's all a bluff and wordplay
Apa yang ada dihati ia kosong tak berharga
The heart is empty and worthless
Andai kau tak beri segala
Unless you give it your all
Sekadar kata siapapun boleh kata 
Just a speech, everyone can speak
Ungkapan cinta siapa-siapapun boleh ungkap
To love, anyone can express love
Apa yang ada dijiwa ia kosong tak berharga
The soul is empty and worthless
Kau perlu korban segala-gala sebagai bukti
Unless you sacrifice everything as proof

Kutulis tinta tersingkap makna 
I write the truth in ink
Kalimat nyata yang bertakhta 
True words that reign
Dibalik noktah mempesona
Behind enchanting period
Bingung merata 
Equally confused

Penghambaan untuk memilih antara nafsu dan wahyu
Slavery of choosing between desire and revelation
Suara hati hipokrasi mati 
Conscience of dead hypocrisy
Harus henti, ilustrasi mimpi sepi
End this, quiet dream fragment
Kembalikan nyata, Realiti pusaka,
Restore the truth, this relic reality
kitalah hamba, kitalah hamba
we're slaves, we're slaves
Buktikan padaNya
Prove it to Him

Apa bukti syahadah yang kau beri
What's the proof in the your syahadah
Dalam dua kalimah lafaz saksi
The two words you recite
Saat lumpur dunia dilumur dinding hati
When the world tainted your heart
Harum semerbak dosa tak mampu kau hindari
The sin's fragrance you can't resist

Terpukau, tertawan, bisikan syaitan
Charmed, conquered, by the devil
Tak mampu kau lawan kau jadikan kawan
You can't resist you befriend
Pabila dua mata terpaku bak dijampi
When the eyes as if enchanted
Di satu mata dajal dalam kotak empat segi
On the eye of dajjal in the square box
Jika benar kau cinta, janji harus kau kota
If you truly love, keep your promise
Harus engkau buktikan walau korbankan segala
Prove it even if you have to sacrifice everything
Melayari sesawang jari kejang tabur fitnah
Fingers strain from slandering on the web
Sembunyi balik jubah berjoget disebalik purdah
Hiding in the robe, dancing behind the purdah
Ingat balik tujuan, semak balik firman Tuhan
Recall your motive, read His messages
Episod nombor dua kalam dua puluh Sembilan
Chapter number two verse twenty nine

Usah dusta kata kau ada bukti
Do not lie saying you have proof
Pabila minta kau dulu angkat kaki 
When asked, you're the first to run
Cabut lari cinta dunia takut mati
Run away, loving life and fear of death
Takut pada manusia lebih pada ilahi
Afraid of human more than Him

Komenlah dengan berhemah