Lirik Call Yourself - Kidd Santhe
Kidd Santhe
Call yourself
Whatever that you want
What you need from me?
Call yourself
Take my phone and ring ring for help
Call yourself
Cause I aint pickin up on you
Ring ring ring
Come thru
So tell me how this life of yours is going
I heard that youre moving to the states
Absence makes the heart go fonder
Maybe thats why you pushed me away
Baby oh baby oh baby I wont hold you back
Maybe oh maybe its too bad
Ring ring you got another call to take
Ill be over here getting higher than your exchange rates
Call yourself
Whatever that you want
What you need from me?
Call yourself
Take my phone and ring ring for help
Call yourself
Cause I aint pickin up on you
Ring ring ring
Come thru
Yeah yeah yeah
Youre trying to get me on my phone for days
But I
Prolly need to stop talking to you
In bahasa malaysia
She just wants a new beggining to an old life
Shed leave behind like a simcard
Ima go missing
Ima go missing
Weh beb
Kan kau yang buat lagu baru duit raya
Gunalah duit itu untuk bayar
Tiket flight sehala ke us
Weh memang lah best
X ya fikir banyak
Jangan pandang belakang
Tolong kirim salam
Kepada kesayangan kamu yang baru
Aku takkan faham
Kamu pandang belakang
Tolong kirim salam
Kepada individu baru kamu aku takkan malu
Call yourself
Whatever that you want
What you need from me?
Call yourself
Take my phone and ring ring for help
Call yourself
Cause I aint pickin up on you
Ring ring ring
Come thru
Like ring ring ring
Come thru
Like ring ring ring
Come thrulike ring ring ring
Come thru